After long and boring winter time, the news of the blossoms (named maehwa 매화 in Korean: Japanese apricot) always make us excited about spring coming.
This is hongmaehwa (홍매화; nicknamed Jajang maehwa, 자장매화) in front of Yonggak (용각) at Tongdosa (통도사, 通度寺: one of the three major temples in South Korea) in Yangsan (양산). Catching these blossoms at their peak means paying close attention to any news about them in February because their peak is so brief. Even if you feel like you're still in the middle of winter, the blossoms appear in February!
There are more maehwa trees (매화나무) in this temple. The flowers with different colors of dark pink, pink, and white bloom in turns from February until early March. They make a gorgeous background for the very old temple buildings, and make some great photography.
The photos above were also taken at the temple. Since it was built in 646 it has shown graceful, noble and deeply-delicate colors which aren't found in any modern buildings or structures
How to get to Tongdosa if you're in Busan, South Korea?
Take an inter-city bus bound for Tongdosa at Busan Dongbu Intercity Bus Terminal (부산동부시외버스터미널) in Nopo-dong, Busan, South Korea. (On Google map, its name is Busan Central Bus Terminal). It's located at Nopo subway station (노포역, Line 1)
(1) bus schedule:
(2) fare: 2,200 won (KRW)
(3) how long: 30 minutes
(as of February 18, 2017)
*After getting off at Sinpyong Bus Terminal (신평버스터미널), walk to the Tongdosa ticket booth (통도사 매표소) and pay 3,000 won (KRW).
Walking on the peaceful pine tree path will take you there in about 30 minutes.
*If you get to the temple in time, 11:30~12:30, for lunch, you can have a free meal of bibimbab (비빔밥: a bowl of hot white rice topped with sautéed and seasoned vegetables (나물)) and a bit of chili pepper paste (고추장) for lunch at Gongyanggan (dining room, 공양간). You can ask anyone in gray baggy pants where the place for the meal is, saying "공양간이 어디입니까?"
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